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Reducing global supply chain emissions on a gigatonne scale.

ImpactLoop Graphic Device


We’re revolutionising the way organisations reduce Scope 3 emissions.

We believe that tackling the global Scope 3 challenge starts with thinking small. Our Decarbonisation of Things platform helps you unlock previously inaccessible carbon savings and financial benefits by tackling one physical asset at a time with your supply chain.


ImpactLoop makes decarbonisation action simple, fast and commercially attractive for players across the value chain. We track physical assets individually, calculating comparable product footprints across all asset types and providing one-click decarbonisation options across the lifecycle with clear financial benefits. 

We guide you step-by-step at every stage of your product decarbonisation journey. From manufacture and procurement to End of Life, ImpactLoop is your sustainability partner across the entire asset lifecycle. 

  • We give manufacturers comparable data so you can make better choices at the design, manufacturing and transport stages to reduce carbon and increase product efficiency. We help you showcase your product-level environmental credentials so your customers can value and reward your sustainability decisions. 

  • We provide buyers with comparable product-level data which enables better buying decisions through optioneering with both embodied and operational data. We'll guide your procurement decision-making by giving you insights which rate your suppliers on their product-level performance data, not just their high-level corporate sustainability brochureware. We enable you to activate and measure your suppliers with data which arrives at your fingertips in minutes at a fraction of the normal PCF/LCA cost. ​​

  • We provide product owners with unique AI-powered insights to optimise usage throughout the asset lifecycle. Our insights at individual product level give you the power to significantly improve asset performance while making valuable financial savings. 

  • We give you options for easy actions that you can take throughout the asset lifecycle across multiple sites and geographies, all on one central platform. We help you understand the carbon and financial impact of your choices for End of Life equipment disposal, and we equip you with the right data and insights to assess the commercial value of every action you take.


Commercial value.
Massive scale.

We're an experienced team of technologists and sustainability experts who pioneer systems change by thinking a little differently to everyone else. Our mission at ImpactLoop is to transform an industry paralysed by the challenge of hitting huge Scope 3 carbon reduction commitments across complex, globally-dispersed value chains. 

Our Decarbonisation of Things platform creates huge impact at low cost and effort by focussing only on the asset-level data that matters and the actions which make the difference. With our radical approach, we believe we can be the global force for change: delivering one gigatonne of corporate carbon reductions each year while generating significant financial value for our users and their supply chains. 

ImpactLoop Graphic Device


We take decarbonisation action at the individual asset level, giving you deep AI-driven insights as platform data builds. We focus only on the data which really matters, so you can track embodied and operational carbon footprint at individual product level. This means you can see and report your sustainability achievements instantly at a granular level.

ImpactLoop Dashboard
ImpactLoop Asset


We are building an entirely new approach to measurement for actionable product-level carbon footprints. It's all about giving you easy access to the data that matters. By only generating data that's material, comparable and reducible, we can unlock a quicker, cheaper footprint for you. We're lowering the barriers to deliver unrivalled change and value across the chain. 


We give you simple on-platform decarbonisation actions that you can take at each stage of the asset lifecycle. Our one-click decarbonisation options lower the barriers to action by showing you the financial value of every sustainable choice you make. Our unique approach makes it easy for you to move seamlessly from data to tangible action across the asset lifecycle. 

ImpactLoop Asset Decarbonisation


We bring together value chain players on one platform to make ecosystem collaboration easy. You can identify improvement, take immediate action on-platform directly with your supply chain and customers and see the direct financial value in every action you take. Our product-level AI/ML-driven insights cascade down the chain to all users of that asset so you can harness the learnings of others for quick reward. 

Get in touch for a chat and a demo

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